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We seek to safeguard and improve fishing access to summer flounder, for those who enjoy it and to ensure the survival of those who depend on it, through scientific and legislative means.
The Save the Summer Flounder Fishery Fund was started seven years ago by a group of concerned East Coast anglers and is governed by a board of directors comprised of recreational fisherman, Captains of for-hire fishing boats, and members of the fishing tackle industry.
The SSFFF has no political affiliations and is neither a recreational nor commercial fishing lobbying group.
Our Mission Statement was and continues to be, non-political.
The main focus is the simple premise that improved fisheries science funded by SSFFF will ultimately lead to better management decisions and more equitable access to the stock for all user groups.
To date, SSFFF has spent in excess of $130,000 of donations and grants to fund research and to influence the creation of more refined stock assessment models specific to Summer Flounder. SSFFF-funded research was responsible for sex-specific mortality being included into the last stock assessment. This revealing information was submitted by renowned stock model scientist Dr. Mark Maunder in a white paper that was exclusively commissioned and funded by SSFFF. Additionally, SSFFF was instrumental in preventing the potential closure of the Summer Flounder fishery six years ago.

PO Box 86
• Brielle, NJ  08730